My Design System

Use these CSS Custom Properties to apply consistent sizing and spacing across your application.


Import the custom properties before using them in your style sheets.

import '@vaadin/vaadin-lumo-styles/sizing';
import '@vaadin/vaadin-lumo-styles/spacing';


Use these properties to adjust the sizing of regular elements (buttons, text fields, list items).

Medium is the standard size, and it is primarily used to size buttons, text fields and list items. If you adjust the sizing, make sure to keep it large enough for touch targets.

See Icons for properties that affect the sizing of icons.

DescriptionCSS Custom Property

Extra Large
Minimum data grid header row height


Large button


Button and input field height, data grid row height


Small button and input field height


Extra Small


Compact Sizing

Lumo has a compact sizing preset available. It reduces the font size and the sizing and spacing of all components, allowing you to place more components on the screen.

Apply compact sizing by importing the style sheet, which sets new values for the Typography and the Size and Space CSS properties. You can view the values from the source code.

public class CompactApp extends Div {
import '@vaadin/vaadin-lumo-styles/presets/compact.js';


Use these properties to adjust the inter-component spacings: the space outside a regular component (button, text field) or inside a container component (layouts, grid cells).

DescriptionCSS Custom Property

Extra Large








Extra Small
