My Design System

Context Menu

Context Menu is a component that you can attach to any component to display a context menu. The menu appears on right (default) or left click. On a touch device, a long press opens the context menu.

Open the Context Menu by right-clicking (mouse) or long-pressing (touch) a Grid row.
Open in a
new tab
private items = [{ text: 'View' }, { text: 'Edit' }, { text: 'Delete' }];


<vaadin-context-menu .items=${this.items}>
    <vaadin-grid-column path="firstName"></vaadin-grid-column>
    <vaadin-grid-column path="lastName"></vaadin-grid-column>
    <vaadin-grid-column path="email"></vaadin-grid-column>
    <vaadin-grid-column header="Phone number" path=""></vaadin-grid-column>


You can use dividers to separate and group related content. Use dividers sparingly to avoid creating unnecessary visual clutter.

Open the Context Menu by right-clicking (mouse) or long-pressing (touch) a Grid row.
Open in a
new tab
    { text: 'View' },
    { component: 'hr' },
    { text: 'Edit' },
    { text: 'Delete' },
    { component: 'hr' },
    { text: 'Email' },
    { text: 'Call' },
    <vaadin-grid-column path="firstName"></vaadin-grid-column>
    <vaadin-grid-column path="lastName"></vaadin-grid-column>
    <vaadin-grid-column path="email"></vaadin-grid-column>
    <vaadin-grid-column header="Phone number" path=""></vaadin-grid-column>

Checkable Menu Items

Checkable Menu Items can be used to toggle a setting on and off.

Open in a
new tab
private items: ContextMenuItem[] = [
  { text: 'Abigail Lewis', checked: true },
  { text: 'Allison Torres' },
  { text: 'Anna Myers' },
  { text: 'Lauren Wright' },
  { text: 'Tamaki Ryushi' },

render() {
  const selectedItem = this.items.find((item) => item.checked);

  return html`
    <vaadin-context-menu .items="${this.items}" @item-selected="${this.itemSelected}">
      <span>Assignee: <b>${selectedItem?.text}</b></span>

itemSelected(e: ContextMenuItemSelectedEvent) {
  this.items.forEach((item) => {
    item.checked = item === e.detail.value;
  this.items = [...this.items];

Hierarchical Menu

Context Menu, like Menu Bar, supports multi-level sub-menus. You can use a hierarchical menu to organize a large set of options and group related items.

Open the Context Menu by right-clicking (mouse) or long-pressing (touch) a Grid row.
Open in a
new tab
private items = [
  { text: 'Preview' },
  { text: 'Edit' },
  { component: 'hr' },
    text: 'Export',
    children: [
      { text: 'Portable Document Format (.pdf)' },
      { text: 'Rich Text Format (.rtf)' },
      { text: 'Plain text (.txt)' },
  { text: 'Share', children: [{ text: 'Copy link' }, { text: 'Email' }] },
  { component: 'hr' },
  { text: 'Delete' },


<vaadin-context-menu .items=${this.items}>
    <vaadin-grid-column path="name"></vaadin-grid-column>
    <vaadin-grid-column path="size"></vaadin-grid-column>

Custom Items

You can customize the items to include more than a single line of text.

Open the Context Menu by right-clicking (mouse) or long-pressing (touch) a Grid row.
Open in a
new tab
async firstUpdated() {
  const { people } = await getPeople({ count: 10 });

  this.gridItems = people.slice(0, 5);
  const itemsArray = this.createItemsArray(people.slice(5, 10));

  this.items = [
    { component: this.createItem('vaadin:file-search', 'Open') },
      component: this.createItem('vaadin:user-check', 'Assign'),
      children: [
        { component: itemsArray[0] },
        { component: itemsArray[1] },
        { component: itemsArray[2] },
        { component: itemsArray[3] },
        { component: itemsArray[4] },
    { component: 'hr' },
    { component: this.createItem('vaadin:trash', 'Delete') },


<vaadin-context-menu .items=${this.items}>
    <vaadin-grid-column path="email"></vaadin-grid-column>
    <vaadin-grid-column header="Phone number" path=""></vaadin-grid-column>

Disabled Menu Items

You can disable menu items to show that they are unavailable.

Open the Context Menu by right-clicking (mouse) or long-pressing (touch) a Grid row.
Open in a
new tab
private items = [
  { text: 'Preview' },
  { text: 'Edit' },
  { component: 'hr' },
    text: 'Export',
    children: [
      { text: 'Portable Document Format (.pdf)', disabled: true },
      { text: 'Rich Text Format (.rtf)' },
      { text: 'Plain text (.txt)' },
  { text: 'Share', children: [{ text: 'Copy link' }, { text: 'Email' }] },
  { component: 'hr' },
  { text: 'Delete', disabled: true },


<vaadin-context-menu .items=${this.items}>
    <vaadin-grid-column path="name"></vaadin-grid-column>
    <vaadin-grid-column path="size"></vaadin-grid-column>


You can use left-click to open Context Menu in situations where left-click does not have any other function, for example a Grid without selection support.

Open the Context Menu by clicking a Grid row.
Open in a
new tab
private items = [{ text: 'View' }, { text: 'Edit' }, { text: 'Delete' }];


  @opened-changed=${(e: ContextMenuOpenedChangedEvent) =>
    (this.contextMenuOpened = e.detail.value)}
  <vaadin-grid all-rows-visible .items=${this.gridItems} @click=${this.onClick}>
    <vaadin-grid-column path="firstName"></vaadin-grid-column>
    <vaadin-grid-column path="lastName"></vaadin-grid-column>
    <vaadin-grid-column path="email"></vaadin-grid-column>
    <vaadin-grid-column header="Phone number" path=""></vaadin-grid-column>

Best Practices

Context Menu is used to provide shortcuts to the user. You should not use it as the only or primary means to complete a task. The primary way should be accessible elsewhere in the UI.

Open the Context Menu by right-clicking (desktop) or long-pressing (mobile) a Grid row, or use the Menu Bar in the last column.
Open in a
new tab
private items = [{ text: 'View' }, { text: 'Edit' }, { text: 'Delete' }];


<vaadin-context-menu .items=${this.items}>
    <vaadin-grid-column path="name"></vaadin-grid-column>
    <vaadin-grid-column path="size"></vaadin-grid-column>

Context Menu vs Menu Bar

You should use Context Menu when there is no dedicated button for opening an overlay menu, such as right-clicking a grid row. When there is a dedicated element/component, such as an overflow menu, use Menu Bar.


Use icons when applicable to help improve recognition. It is recommended to use commonly recognized icons to avoid confusion. Use icons consistently throughout a list of options.


Suffix a menu item with “…​” when the associated action won’t be executed, but instead reveal some UI, like a dialog, for completing the action.

ComponentUsage recommendations

Menu Bar

Component for displaying a horizontal menu with multi-level sub-menus.