My Design System

Text Area

Text Area is an input field component for multi-line text input.

Open in a
new tab
  @value-changed="${(e: CustomEvent) => (this.text = e.detail.value)}"

Text Area is typically used for descriptions, comments, and other longer free-form content.

Common Input Field Features

Text Area includes all Text Field and shared input field features.

Automatic Height Adjustment

Unless set to a fixed height, Text Area adjusts its height automatically based on its content. The default and minimum height is two rows of text.

Open in a
new tab
<vaadin-text-area label="Description" value="${loremIpsum}"></vaadin-text-area>

Minimum and Maximum Height

The automatic resizing can be restricted to a minimum and maximum height:

Open in a
new tab
  vaadin-text-area {
    width: 100%;
    min-height: 100px;
    max-height: 150px;

<vaadin-text-area label="Description" value="${loremIpsum}"></vaadin-text-area>

Character Counter

Longer free-form inputs are often capped at a certain character limit. The current character count and upper limit should be indicated to the user, for example, by using the Helper feature:

Open in a
new tab
private charLimit = 600;

private text = loremIpsum;

static get styles() {
  return css`
    vaadin-text-area {
      width: 100%;

render() {
  return html`
      @value-changed="${(e: CustomEvent) => (this.text = e.detail.value)}"
ComponentUsage recommendations

Text Field

Basic single-line text input.

Rich Text Editor

Multi-line text entry with rich formatting support.